About the Author


I always want look good in photos but there is always one thing in the way, my double chin. If only there was a way to take a picture of me without it showing. You might say that would be easy to take care of with a diet or Photoshop. But the reality is that even losing weight won’t take away what genetics have given me. It’s a generational thing, kind of like the Force: My Great-Grandfather had it, my Grandma had it, and my daughters have it. It’s just there for the viewing.

As a teenager, I would fear getting “the chin.” I remember doing exercises where I strained my facial muscles to tighten the loose skin under my chin. I have tried to lessen it’s prominence with contour make-up and tried to determine the best angle to tilt my head so it was not as noticeable. Nothing really works because my chin is part of me.

Brennan Manning in his book The RagaMuffin Gospel states: “In Christ Jesus freedom from fear empowers us to let go of the desire to appear good, so that we can move freely in the mystery of who we really are.” As I write this section about who I am, I am torn between wanting to write about all the good so you’ll want to respect what I have to say and read it. But also wanting to be authentic and admit my ragamuffin status so that we can go on this journey together – two ragamuffins and a chin.

So you ask, who am I?

Well, here is the good:

Fara Linn Howell fell in love with God’s Word in Bible College and now shares that love with others as a Christian Educator with more than twenty-five years of experience teaching and speaking to Christian groups. Her writing has appeared in The Secret Place, VISTA, The Lookout, Penned from the Heart, and the Jesus Calling Devotional Bible. She is a recovering pastor’s wife and mom of three adult children. She is married to her husband, Tony, who is her partner in crime (mostly fishing and home improvements) and life. She is filling her empty nest with lots of little critters. The current count includes two dogs, one cat, and one fish.

The not-so-good:

Fara Linn Howell is a recovering food addict who struggles with body image issues. She has been divorced. She has Multiple Sclerosis which causes her to need a cane on occasion and qualifies her for a disabled placard for her car. She has been known to get late fees from forgotten library books though she spends more time playing Candy Crush on her phone than reading most days. She has been rejected by publishers and currently has more unfinished writing projects than finished pieces. The newest critters in her empty nest are a family of mice that use her stove for storage.

The truth:

I am a child of God who is loved: the good, the bad and the chin. I am not a doctor or nutritionist. I will only share what I am doing, not offering medical advice to anyone. Join me on the journey of discovering who I am in Christ while nourishing my body, mind and spirit. I promise to be authentic as we journey together. Let us face our fears together.

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